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Kerry A. Loeffler, RMT, Author, Healer 


We are extensions of spirit.  We are part of the whole of existence that extends far beyond what we can currently imagine.  Our bodies are but a small portion of what we truly are.  Beyond the boundaries of flesh and matter, there is light.  That light has no boundary.  It is woven of and created by God. We are patterns of pure loving consciousness that know no limits.


Any limitations, diseases, struggles or pain we experience are created by a dysfunction of the current of spirit that is flowing through our physical bodies.  That dysfunction could have any number of origins; negative thoughts or belief systems, poor nutrition, accidents or injuries, emotional trauma, addictions etc.


Because we are extensions of spirit, without limitation, we are able to create and co-create our experience on Earth.  This means there is nothing that cannot be healed.  Every cell in our bodies is vibrating at a particular degree, whether it is healthy or not. Our thoughts affect that level of vibration; we are masters of our matter.


The path to healing is a very personal path, there are many modalities to choose from.  As a Massage Therapist, Energy Worker and owner of my own Human Body, I believe that no one is responsible for restoring good health except for the person who seeks it.  What is of most importance is the honest eagerness to overcome illness and the subsequent restoration of power (or spirit) that follows. 


We have been done a disservice in this society as the power to heal ourselves has been taken out of our own hands.  While medical intervention, prescription pills and surgery have their place, their ability to heal has been grossly inflated.  


Massage and energy work are one of the oldest forms of healing on this planet.  They date back 500 years as a modality in Chinese Medicine.  Jesus Christ practiced the laying on of hands better than 2000 years ago.  Of the many diverse cultures on this planet, most have some form of spiritual healing and prayer. Why are we consistently taking pills, performing surgeries and following a medical model that is as young as 100 years?  Let us try the simple approaches first and the more intrusive methods last. Massage Therapy and Energy Work put the power to heal back into your hands, where it belongs!   


Kerry Loeffler is a Registered Massage Therapist, Energy Healer, Angel Intuitive, Animal Lover and Author.  She graduated from the Healing Arts Institute in Fort Collins, Co in 2005 and became an ARCH Master also in 2005.  Her approach to healing bridges spirituality with functional knowledge.  She is trained in Neuromuscular Therapy, Deep Tissue Therapies, Trigger-point Therapy, Myo-fascial Techniques and Swedish massage.  Along with Massage Therapy, she incorporates Energy Work with the guidance and assistance of Angels to restore health, correct postural imbalances, release negative thoughts and habits, rejuvenate spirit and maintain a positive and healthy body and mind.

Elevation Massage and Energy Work is a locally owned and operated business in Fort Collins Colorado.  We are commited to providing quality therapies that bring your body back into balance.  We are passionate about our purpose in this world and that is bringing you back into your natural state of well-being!  Our experience, education and intuition is solid and evident. Come experience our touch!

About Elevation Massage and Energy Work

Kerry A. Loeffler, not your average therapist!

Exerpted from an original press release and written by Jack Grenard, publisher:


In the 1967 film Dr. Dolittle, Rex Harrington sings, "If we could talk to the animals..."  In her new book, The King by My Side, Kerry A. Loeffler of Bellvue, Colorado, does indeed talk to the animals.  


And they talk back to her. Oh, not speaking aloud, but through some other means that most humans do not understand.


This 120-page book tells of the authors growing adeptness at animal communication and the healing arts.  It starts with a housecat, Moe, who later tells Loeffler he wishes to be called King, thus the book's title.


The author's parents have the cat de-clawed while she is away.  A cruel boyfriend nearly poisons the cat to death.  Loeffler is apalled at the destruction of the cat's personhood.   When communication between them begins, Moe, now King, expresses his great disappontment in humans and how they often treat their pets.


After she moves from Michigan to rural Colorado, Loeffler learns massage and healing.  With crystals and other help, she enhances her communication to include many other animals.  Her world changes asfter a visit from Jesus, who provides her with important lessons in healing.


"The inspiration that his visit left behind was something I wanted to share with everyone.  The fear of rejection and disapproval kept my lips sealed."


The book is available in soft cover format for $11.99 and in Ebook format for $3.99 from Balboa Press, 1663 Liberty Dr., Bloomington, Indiana 47403; or from the author at





Kerry A. Loeffler

Questions about healing, animal communication, Angels, healing, energy work or massage therapy? Read my blog!


Like to schedule a distance healing for you or your pet?

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